Добро пожаловать в Ivy Metering!
Электросчетчик постоянного тока
RS485 Измеритель Modbus
LoRa LoRaWAN Метр
Промышленная зона
Зарядка электромобилей
Измерение солнечной энергии
Интеллектуальный учет LoRaWan
Умный дом
Техническая поддержка
Часто задаваемые вопросы
The difference between M-Bus and Modbus
At first glance, M-Bus and Modbus are very similar, no matter on alphabet or pronunciation. The more similar things are usually easier to get confused. At the same time, these two terms are related to the electricity meter industry, so let's learn the difference between M-Bus and Modbus today.
Undirectional and Bi-directional Meter in Solar System
Previously, IVY have introduced bi-directional meters. Therefore, some customers contact us to know if we have other types of energy meters for solar energy system. The answer is YES. Based on different working way of solar panels, IVY can provide corresponding metering solutions. Let's take a look!
Frequency Plan of Lorawan (Electricity Meter)
As an lorawan electricity meter factory and supplier, we also learn the frequency plan of countries from the website of the things network, Frequency Plans by Country | The Things Network (for your references)
What is the difference between M-Bus and MODBUS communication ?
M-Bus Communication: M-Bus is a communication protocol used between meters and the central data collection system or Pre-Payment unit. Widely used on new projects where the building infrastructure can be designed accordingly.M-Bus is available on a wide variety of gas, heat, electricity, and cold/hot water meters.
MID & Eichrecht - compliance of EV chargers
Note that so-called 'PTB compliant' chargers actually comply with the German calibration law (Eichrecht). Eichrecht = compliance with MID + “customer protection”: the customer must be able to check charge session data hours/days/months after the actual session...
Лолита и вечеринка у бассейна
12 августа компания IVY METERING провела вечеринку Lolita & Swimming Pool Party, чтобы стимулировать энтузиазм сотрудников к работе, повысить сплоченность Tua